速報APP / 生產應用 / AppLauncher for SmartWatch

AppLauncher for SmartWatch





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本


AppLauncher for SmartWatch(圖1)-速報App

Application launcher for SmartWatch 2.

Launch your phone apps from your SmartWatch.

And "Google Voice Search" for starting Google Now voice search or Voice commands!

Widget for launch app from watch-face!

Ability to sort apps by Name (default) or by Popularity.

AppLauncher for SmartWatch(圖2)-速報App

How to use the app:

• Install app.

• Go to SmartConnect, and find there this app - "AppLauncher".

• Select in settings which apps you want to see on your SmartWatch.

• Use it)

Smart Connect bug: If you do not see this app in the list of programs inside Smart Connect, go to Settings->Apps and 'Clear data' of 'Smart Connect' and 'SmartWatch 2' apps.

Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2 productivity